Technical Sales will focus on sound business models that promote good values throughout our value chain. The ethical guidelines are a management tool, and form the basis for the quality assurance in our supply chain.
To achieve our goals of sound business operations, we want to work closely with our subcontractors and business partners.
The Board of Technical Sales has adopted the UN’s Global Compact’s ten principles to make it clear to our entire organization and business partners what we expect.
Global Compact has two main objectives:
- Make the ten principles a part of business operations in companies around the world
- Promote activities and partnerships that help to achieve the UN’s goal of sustainable development
The ethical guidelines in Technical Sales will always set the highest standard. The UN Global Compact will constitute large parts of our guidelines and daily operations, but is a minimum requirement. In trade and cooperation where there are suspected violations of human rights and other serious offenses, Technical Sales will suspend cooperation if necessary.
The ten principles of the UN Global Compact are derived from: the World Declaration on Human Rights, the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the UN Convention against Corruption.
Human rights
Principle 1: Companies should support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights, and
Principle 2: Ensure that they do not contribute to human rights violations.
Standards for working life
Principle 3: Businesses must maintain organizational freedom and ensure that the right to conduct collective bargaining is recognized in practice.
Principle 4: Ensure that all forms of forced labor are abolished.
Principle 5: Ensure that child labor is effectively abolished, and
Principle 6: ensure that discrimination in working life is abolished.
Principle 7: Companies should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges,
Principle 8: Take initiative to promote increased environmental responsibility, and
Principle 9: Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technology.
Fighting corruption
Principle 10: Businesses must fight against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
Technical Sales must respect the basic requirements for human rights, workers’ rights, the environment and anti-corruption throughout our operations and in the supply chain. We want to do this in close cooperation and in dialogue with our suppliers and partners. In order to clarify what we expect from our suppliers, we have drawn up guidelines for ethical trade. The guidelines cover basic requirements for human rights, workers’ rights, the environment and anti-corruption in the supply chain.
We expect our suppliers to pass these guidelines, or guidelines at least as comprehensive, to their subcontractors and contribute to their compliance with them, in addition to working to comply with the requirements on their own behalf.
Human rights
Companies should support and respect the protection of internationally recognized human rights,
and make sure they do not contribute to human rights violations.
Standards for working life
Companies must maintain the freedom of organization and ensure that the right to conduct collective bargaining is recognized in practice, ensure that all forms of forced labor are abolished, ensure that child labor is effectively abolished, and ensure that discrimination in working life is abolished.
Companies should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, take initiatives to promote increased environmental responsibility, and encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technology.
Fighting corruption
Businesses must fight against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.
Requirements for own practice
Technical Sales works continuously to improve its own policies and practices, including procurement practices, which can help suppliers follow our ethical trade guidelines in dialogue with suppliers and other partners.
The management, including all employees, shall never offer or receive illegal or unlawful donations or other reimbursements for obtaining business or private benefits for their own part or benefits for customers, agents or suppliers.
Follow-up of compliance with the requirements
At the request of Technical Sales, the supplier must be able to document how they themselves, and possibly subcontractors, work to comply with the guidelines. This can be done through follow-up interviews with us and / or mapping of the working conditions at the production site. If we wish to survey subcontractors for compliance with the Code of Ethics, the supplier is obliged to allow such a survey and to provide their names and contact details (See in connection with section 14).
In the event of a breach of the ethical guidelines, the supplier, in collaboration with Technical Sales, shall make a plan to rectify the deficiencies. Remedy should be done within a reasonable time. Cancellation of a contract will only occur if, after repeated inquiries, the supplier does not show a willingness to rectify the situation.
Our suppliers must have a well-functioning system for handling complaints related to human rights, workers’ rights, the environment and corruption. The supplier shall ensure that such complaints can be made by workers and external parties such as local communities and civil society organizations.
Supplier management system
Management system is central to the implementation of ethical guidelines. The Technical Sales management emphasizes the importance of the supplier having systems that support their implementation.
Expectations have been made clear by:
– The supplier should designate a responsible, central to the organization, for the implementation of the ethical guidelines in their own business
– The supplier shall make the guidelines known in all relevant parts of its organization
– The supplier should be able to explain where the goods ordered are manufactured