Requirements for environmental policy at Technical Sales
Technical Sales procurement policy means that: the business must be environmentally friendly and contribute to sustainable development. Environmental considerations must be integrated throughout the business. In Technical Sales, we want to develop a culture that takes into account the internal work environment and our footprint through our supply chain.
Technical Sales management has overall responsibility for the integration, compliance and development of environmental policy through the existing management system. Employees should be encouraged to pay attention to the environment so that our footprint will be as small as possible in our daily activities.
Technical Sales shall work continuously to improve all significant environmental aspects. Technical Sales shall impose requirements on partners and suppliers so that these are stimulated to reduce environmental impact in their own operations, services and production.
As previously mentioned, a committed and motivated management is necessary to succeed with environmental management. Leaders who lead by example and motivate employees will contribute to the commitment and understanding of environmental protection work. However, everyone who has their day-to-day work at Technical Sales has partial responsibility and must contribute to Technical Sales living up to their environmental profile.
Environmental principles
The Board of Technical Sales has adopted the United Nations Global Compact’s ten principles to make it clear to our entire organization and business partners what we expect (Retrieved from our own document: “Ethical guidelines”).
Principles 7-9 provide clear challenges that we take seriously. Environment Principle 7: Companies should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges, Principle 8: Initiate increased environmental responsibility, and Principle 9: Encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technology.